“Those” Guys

Those guys who only have eyes for their lover, but as soon as she leaves the room they don’t waste a beat in locking eyes with the first pair they meet and declaring their undying love. Those guys who invest all of their time over the course of a night following you around in attempts to “whoe” you with cheap drinks and creepy compliments. Those guys who engage in interesting conversations, but keep their wife’s existence a secret at all costs. Those guys who never utter their partner’s name in public, yet are eager to rush home when the timing is right and she is fertile. Those guys who hear that I’m in a committed and loving relationship, but take this information as their night’s challenge.

To all of those guys,

I have no interest in dating you- so you should have no motivation to lie to me. Do your significant other a favour and break it off and then do yourself a favour and grow-up and get honest with yourself.

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